
Together we’re on a mission to reach our community and the nations by changing one life at a time. We look to accomplish this by serving and sharing the love and truth of Jesus through our actions and words. Regardless of your spiritual gifts or talents there is a place for you to serve and to leave an imprint in our community.

  • Crosswinds & Food Bank of Northern Nevada
  • Benevolence – widows, widowers, and single moms
  • Homeless Meals and Hospitality
  • Senior Home Hospitality
  • Community Outreach
  • School Partnerships
  • Prayer Ministry Team
  • Hospitality Team

Take Action

If you are interested in being a part of reaching our community with Crosswinds please contact Pastor Lydia at or click the “serve our community” button for other volunteer opportunities.

Seek first to understand and then you will be understood

Stephen Covey

Touch a heart before you ask for a hand

John Maxwell

We have nothing to fear but fear itself

Winston Churchill